Price, $
Biological common for various species of animals |
1. | Antirabies inactivated fluid cultural vaccine, strain Schelkovo-51, "Rabikov" for sarcophagous and grapnels |
th.d. |
on request |
2. | Antirabies inactivated dry cultural vaccine, strain Schelkovo-51 for agricultural animal |
th.d. |
on request |
3. | Associated inactivated vaccine ageinst kolibacteriosis, salmonellosis and proteus infection of calves, piglets, lambs and fur animals (Vaccine OKZ) |
lit. |
on request |
4. | Tetravalent vaccine ( Types: A/Asia/Iran05/sis12, A/Asia/G_VII, O/me_sa/panasia2/qom_15, Asia1/Asia/sindh_08 ) against Foot-and-Mouth disease from virus propagated in BHK-21 cell culture |
th.d. |
on request |
5. | Vaccine against Foot-and-Mouth disease from virus propagated in BHK-21 cell culture type A |
th.d. |
on request |
6. | Vaccine against Foot-and-Mouth disease from virus propagated in BHK-21 cell culture type Asia-1 |
th.d. |
on request |
7. | Vaccine against Foot-and-Mouth disease from virus propagated in BHK-21 cell culture type O |
th.d. |
on request |
8. | Vaccine against Foot-and-Mouth disease from virus propagated in BHK-21 cell culture type C |
th.d. |
on request |
9. | Vaccine against Foot-and-Mouth disease from virus propagated in BHK-21 cell culture type SAT-2 |
th.d. |
on request |
10. | Globulin against Aujeszky's disease |
lit. |
on request |
11. | Inactivated cultural concentrated vaccine against Aujeszky's disease of fur animals, pigs and sheep |
lit. |
on request |
12. | Concentrated aluminium hygroxide formol-vaccine against Blackleg of cattle and sheep |
lit. |
on request |
13. | Concentrated Tetanus anatoxin |
lit. |
on request |
14. | Vccines against Foot-and-Mouth disease from virus cultured on cattle tongue epithelium type A |
th.d. |
on request |
15. | Vccines against Foot-and-Mouth disease from virus cultured on cattle tongue epithelium type 0 |
th.d. |
on request |
16. | Vccines against Foot-and-Mouth disease from virus cultured on cattle tongue epithelium type C |
th.d. |
on request |
17. | Polyvalent aluminium hygroxide formol thio-mersal-vaccine against Colibacteriosis (Esche-richiosis) of piglets, calves and lambs |
lit. |
on request |
18. | Polyvalent vaccine VGNKI against Leptospirosis of animals |
lit |
on request |
19. | Polyvalent serum against Colibacteriosis (Escherichiosis) of animals |
lit. |
on request |
20. | Antianthrax vaccine, strain STI |
th.d. |
on request |
21. | Antianthrax vaccine, strain 55-VNIIVVIM |
th.d. |
on request |
22. | Antianthrax globulin |
lit |
on request |
23. | Live dry vaccine against Brucellosis of animals, strain 19 |
lit. |
on request |
24. | Dry live vaccine against Listeriosis, strain AUF |
th.d. |
on request |
25. | Dry cultural virus-vaccine VGNKI against Aujeszky's disease of pigs, cattle and sheep |
th.d. |
on request |
26. | Dry Polyvalent vaccine VGNKI against Leptospirosis of animals |
th.d |
on request |
27. | Serum against Pasteurellosis of cattle, buffalo, sheep and pigs |
lit. |
on request |
28. | Serum against Enterococcal infection in calves, lambs and piglets |
lit. |
on request |
29. | Antianthrax serum |
lit. |
on request |
30. | Trivalent vaccine (A, 0, Asia-1) against Foot-and-Mouth disease from virus propagated in BHK-21 cell culture |
th.d. |
on request |
31. | Trivalent vaccine (A, 0, C) against Foot-and-Mouth disease vaccine from virus cultured on cattle tongue epithelium |
th.d. |
on request |
32. | Formol-vaccine against Pasteurellosis of sheep and pigs precipitated |
lit. |
on request |
33. | Emulsified vaccine against Pasteurellosis of cattle, buffalo and sheep |
lit. |
on request |
Biological products for diagnostics of the animal diseases |
34. | Agglutinating O-coli sera |
kit. |
on request |
35. | Agglutinating monospecific vibrio-sera |
kit. |
on request |
36. | Brucellosis antigen common for AT, CFT, CFT (prolong.) |
lit. |
on request |
37. | Vibrio-antigen for AT |
th.d. |
on request |
38. | Brucellosis antigen for the ring reaction with milk |
lit. |
on request |
39. | Antigen and antiserum for diagnostics of Equine infectious anaemia in the diffusion precipitation test |
kit. |
on request |
40. | Anthrax bacterial standard antigen |
lit. |
on request |
41. | Antirabies fluorescent globulin |
kit. |
on request |
42. | Brucellosis antigen the for Rose-Bengal test |
lit. |
on request |
43. | Brucellin VIEV |
lit. |
on request |
44. | Leptospirosis group sera, agglutinating |
kit. |
on request |
45. | Listeriosis antigen UNIIEV for CFT |
lit. |
on request |
46. | Luminescent vibrio-sera |
kit. |
on request |
47. | Mallein |
th.d. |
on request |
48. | Kit for serological diagnostics of Aleutian disease of minks |
kit. |
on request |
49. | Kit of the antigens and sera for diagnostics of Avian influenza |
kit. |
on request |
50. | Kit of the antigens and sera for diagnostics of Equine influenza |
kit. |
on request |
51. | Kit of the antigens and sera for serological diagnostics of chlamidiosis in animals |
kit. |
on request |
52. | Kit for detection antibodies of virus Newcastle disease by immunoenzyme method |
kit |
on request |
53. | Kit for detection antibodies of virus fowl parainfluencia by immunoenzyme method |
kit |
on request |
54. | Kit for detection antibodies of virus infectious laringotracheitis by immunoenzyme method |
kit |
on request |
55. | Kit for detection antibodies of virus fowl leukosis by immunoenzyme method |
kit |
on request |
56. | Kit for detection antibodies of virus fowl mycoplasmis synovitis (Mycoplasma synoviae) by immunoenzyme method |
kit |
on request |
57. | Kit for detection antibodies of virus fowl pasterellosis (Cholera) Pasterella multocida by immunoenzyme method |
kit |
on request |
58. | Kit for detection antibodies of virus fowl respirarory mycoplasmosis (Mycoplasma gallisepticum) by immunoenzyme method |
kit |
on request |
59. | Kit for detection antibodies of virus infectious encephalomyelitis of auks by immunoenzyme method |
kit |
on request |
60. | Kit for detection antibodies of different fowl diseases by immunoenzyme method |
kit |
on request |
61. | Kit for detection antibodies of reovirus by immunoenzyme method |
kit |
on request |
62. | Kit for diagnostics of Parainfluenza-3 of cattle |
kit |
on request |
63. | Kit for the differentiated diagnoctics of Vesicular disease and Vesicular exanthema in pigs |
kit. |
on request |
64. | Kit for identification of Newcastle disease and Avian influenza |
on request |
65. | Kit for identification of Newcastle disease and Avian influenza |
kit. |
on request |
66. | Kit for serological diagnostics of Transmissible gastro-enteritis of pigs |
th.d. |
on request |
67. | Kit for typification of listerias |
kit |
on request |
68. | Kit for the express-identification of viruses responsible for diseases with vesicular syndromes in animals |
kit |
on request |
69. | Kit of the fluid preparations for diagnostics of Adenovirus infection of cattle |
kit. |
on request |
70. | Kit of components for dignostics of Rabies |
kit. |
on request |
71. | Kit of the preparations for diagnostics of Bovine virus diarrhoea |
kit. |
on request |
72. | Kit of the preparations for diagnostics of Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis in the indirect hemagglutination test |
kit. |
on request |
73. | Kit of the preparations for diagnostics of Respiratory-cyncytial infection of cattle |
lit. |
on request |
74. | Kit for serological diagnostics of leucosis in cattle |
th.d. |
on request |
75. | Kit of the dry preparations for diagnostics of Adenovirus infection of cattle |
kit. |
on request |
76. | Kit of the fluorescent immunoglobulins and control sera for diagnostics of chlamidiosis in animals |
kit. |
on request |
77. | Kits of the 0-complex and monoreceptor 0- and H-agglu-tinating Salmonellosis sera |
lit. |
on request |
78. | Salmonellosis fluorescent O-sera |
lit. |
on request |
79. | Salmonellosis monoreceptor antigens |
lit |
on request |
80. | Glanders serum for the complement fixation reaction |
th.d. |
on request |
81. | Glanders antigen for the complement fixation reaction |
th.d |
on request |
82. | Dry146 strain-specific Foot-and-Mouth disease antigens for serological tests (CFT), types: 01-194, C-564, A-22-550, 01-1618, Asia-1, CAT-1, CAT-2, CAT-3 |
ml. |
on request |
83. | Dry strain-specific Foot-and-Mouth disease antigens for serological tests (FCFT, DPT) |
kit. |
on request |
84. | Dry purified complex allergen from atypical mycobacteria (KAM) |
th.d. |
on request |
85. | Erysipelas diagnostic serum |
kit |
on request |
86. | Listeriosis serum for CFT |
lit. |
on request |
87. | Listeriosis luminescent serum |
th.d. |
on request |
88. | Antianthrax serum, precipitating |
lit. |
on request |
89. | Tuberculin dry purified (PPD) for mammals |
th.d. |
on request |
90. | Avian tuberculin dry purified (PPD) |
lit. |
on request |
91. | Foot-and-Mouth disease strain-specific sera for serological tests, types: 01-194, A-22-550, C-564, Asia-1, Sat-1, Sat-2, Sat-3 |
ml |
on request |
92. | Erytrocyte antigenic monodiagnosticums E. coli O138:K88 |
kit |
on request |
93. | Erytrocyte antigenic monodiagnosticums E.coli 09:K99 |
kit |
on request |
94. | Erytrocyte antigenic monodiagnosticums K.pneumoniae |
kit |
on request |
95. | Erytrocyte antigenic monodiagnosticums Pr. Vulgaris |
kit |
on request |
96. | Erytrocyte antigenic monodiagnosticums Pr. mirabilis |
kit |
on request |
97. | Erytrocyte antigenic monodiagnosticums S. dublin, |
kit |
on request |
98. | Erytrocyte antigenic monodiagnosticums S. enteritidis |
kit |
on request |
99. | Erytrocyte antigenic monodiagnosticums S. typhimurium |
kit |
on request |
100. | Erythrocyte antigen for diagnostics of Pullorum disease-Fowl typhoid in the blood-drop reaction of indirect hemagglutination |
lit. |
on request |
101. | Erutrocyties glanders diagnosticum |
kit |
on request |
102. | Erytrocyte glanderous antigenic diagnosticum |
kit |
on request |
Cattle biologicals |
103. | Associated vaccine against Blackleg and Leptospirosis of cattle |
lit. |
on request |
104. | Associated live vaccine (fluid) against Anthrax and Blackleg of cattle |
th.d. |
on request |
105. | Bacteriophage against Colibacteriosis (Escherichiosis) of calves |
lit. |
on request |
106. | Virus-vaccine VIEV against Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis |
th.d. |
on request |
107. | Vaccine LTF-130 against cattle Trichophytosis (Ringworm) |
th.d. |
on request |
108. | Vaccine against Salmonellosis of young animals |
th.d. |
on request |
109. | Vaccine against Salmonellosis of calves from atte-nuated strain of S.dublin № 6 |
th.d. |
on request |
110. | Vaccine against Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis inactivated |
th.d. |
on request |
111. | Aluminium hydroxide semiliquid formol-vaccine against Pasteurellosis of cattle and buffalo |
lit. |
on request |
112. | Live freeze-dried vaccine "Paravac" against Bovine Parainfluenza-3 |
th.d. |
on request |
113. | Live freeze-dried vaccine "Bivac" against Parainfluenza-3 and Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis |
th.d. |
on request |
114. | Concentrated formol-aluminous vaccine against Paratyphoid of calves |
lit. |
on request |
115. | Cultural vaccine (VIEV) against cattle Theileriasis of cattle (fluid) |
th.d. |
on request |
116. | Dry associated cultural vaccine against Parainfluenza-3 and Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis |
th.d. |
on request |
117. | Dry virus-vaccine against Rinderpest of cattle, strain LT |
th.d. |
on request |
118. | Dry live vaccine against Brucellosis of cattle, strain 82 |
th.d. |
on request |
119. | Dry cultural vaccine against Rinderpest of cattle, strain K37 70 |
th.d. |
on request |
120. | Dry cultural virus-vaccine against Bovine virus diarrhoea |
th.d. |
on request |
121. | Emulsin-vaccine against Bovine campylobacteriosis |
th.d. |
on request |
Horse, camel biologicals |
122. | Polyvalent inactivated vaccine against Equine influenza |
lit. |
on request |
123. | Dry cultural vaccine against camels pox |
d. |
on request |
124. | Dry cultural virus-vaccine against Equine rhinopneumonia, strain SV-69 |
th.d. |
on request |
125. | Dry cultural vaccine against camels plague |
d. |
on request |
Sheep and goat biologicals |
126. | Antitoxic serum against Lamb anaerobic dysentery and Infections enterotoxaemia of sheep |
lit. |
on request |
127. | Inactivated emulsin-vaccine against Sheep campylobacteriosis |
th.d. |
on request |
128. | Inactivated emulsin-vaccine against Chlamidious abortion of sheep |
th.d. |
on request |
129. | Polyvalent concentrated aluminium hydroxide vaccine against Braxy, Infectious enterotoxaemia, Malignant edema and Lamb dysentery |
lit. |
on request |
130. | Polyvalent formol-thiomersal vaccine against Salmonellosis of sheep |
th.d. |
on request |
131. | Polyvalent anatoxin against Sheep clostridiosis |
lit. |
on request |
132. | Dry cultural virus-vaccine against Sheep contagious pustular dermatitis (stomatitis), strain L |
th.d. |
on request |
133. | Dry cultural virus-vaccine against Sheep pox, strain NISHI |
th.d. |
on request |
134. | Emulsified inactivated vaccine against Foot-rot of sheep |
lit. |
on request |
Poultry biologicals |
135. | Bacteriophage against Pullorum disease-Fowl typhoid |
lit. |
on request |
136. | Vaccine associated against Newcastle disease and infectious bronchitis hens emulsion fluid |
th.d. |
on request |
137. | Vaccine associated against infection bronchitis of hens, infection bursal disease and Newcastle disease inactivated emulsion fluid |
th.d. |
on request |
138. | Vaccine associated against Egg - Drop - Syndrome and and infectious bursal disease inactivated emulsion fluid |
th.d. |
on request |
139. | Vaccine associated against Egg - Drop - Syndrome and infection bronchitis of hens inactivated emulsion fluid |
xxx |
140. | Vaccine associated against Egg - Drop - Syndrome and Newcastle disease inactivated emulsion fluid |
th.d. |
on request |
141. | Vaccine associated against Egg - Drop - Syndrome, infection bronchitis of hens and Newcastle disease inactivated emulsion fluid |
th.d. |
on request |
142. | Vaccine associated against Egg - Drop - Syndrome and infection bronchitis of hens and infectious bursal disease inactivated emulsion fluid |
th.d. |
on request |
143. | Vaccine against hydropericardial sindrom of broiler fluid inactivated sorbed |
th.d. |
on request |
144. | Vaccine against infectious bronchitis of the hens live dry of the strain Н-120 or Н-52 |
th.d. |
on request |
145. | Vaccine against infectious bronchitis of hens and Newcastle disease dry |
th.d. |
on request |
146. | Vaccine against infectious bursal disease of the hens dry of the strain "BG" or " Vinterfild 2512 " |
th.d. |
on request |
147. | Vaccine against infectious bursal disease of the hens dry of the strain "BG" or " Vinterfild 2512 " |
th.d. |
on request |
148. | Vaccine against infectious bursal disease of the hens dry of the strain "BG" or " Vinterfild 2512 " |
th.d. |
on request |
149. | Vaccine against Infectious bursal disease (Gumboro disease), inactivated, adsorbed |
th.d. |
on request |
150. | Vaccine against infectious bursal disease of the hens fluid inactivated sorbed |
th.d. |
on request |
151. | Vaccine against a fowl pox live dry of a chicken virus with diluent |
th.d. |
on request |
152. | Vaccine against Fowl cholera inactivated (adsorbed) |
th.d. |
on request |
153. | Vaccine against reovirus infection of auks inactivated emulsion |
th.d. |
on request |
154. | Vaccine against reovirus infection of auks live dry of the strain "1133" without a solvent |
th.d. |
on request |
155. | Vaccine against reovirus infection of auks live dry of the strain "1133" with a solvent |
th.d. |
on request |
156. | Vaccine against Avian salmonellosis |
th.d. |
on request |
157. | Vaccine against Egg - Drop - Syndrome-76 inactivated |
on request |
158. | Vaccine against infectious of a laryngotracheitis live dry of the strain "О" |
th.d. |
on request |
159. | Virusvaccine against Marek`s disease fluid bivalent cultural from strain herpes virus of turkeys (FS-126) and herpes of hens (SB-1) |
th.d. |
on request |
160. | Virusvaccine against Marek`s disease fluid cultural from the strain "3004" (1 serotype) for the alternate scheme for broiler vaccination with diluent |
th.d. |
on request |
161. | Virusvaccine against Marek`s disease fluid cultural from a virus strain of herpes of turkeys (FS-126) with diluent |
th.d. |
on request |
162. | Virusvaccine against Marek`s disease dry by strain "VNIIZG" for broiler vaccination |
th.d. |
on request |
163. | Virusvaccine against Newcastle disease of avian, strain "La-Sota" or " B 1 " |
th.d. |
on request |
164. | Virusvaccine against Newcastle disease of avian, strain "La-Sota" or " B 1 " |
th.d. |
on request |
165. | Aluminium hydroxide embryo-vaccine against Avian infectious bronchitis |
th.d. |
on request |
166. | Inactivated vaccine (fluid) against Newcastle disease |
th.d. |
on request |
167. | Cultural virus-vaccine (fluid) against Marek's disease, Turkey herpes virus strain FS-126 |
th.d. |
on request |
168. | Cultural polyvalent virus-vaccine (fluid) against Marek's disease |
th.d. |
on request |
169. | Dry Waterfowl pasteurellosis vaccine, strain AB and strain K |
th.d. |
on request |
170. | Dry virus-vaccine against Newcastle disease, strain CAM-61 ("A(b)VN") |
th.d. |
on request |
171. | Dry virus-vaccine against Newcastle disease, strain La Sota |
th.d. |
on request |
172. | Dry virus-vaccine against Newcastle disease, strain Bor-74 VGNKI |
th.d. |
on request |
173. | Dry virus-vaccine against Avian infectious bronchitis, strain AM |
th.d. |
on request |
174. | Dry virus-vaccine against Avian infectious laryngotraheitis, strain VNIIBP |
th.d. |
on request |
175. | Dry live virus-vaccine against Infectious bursal disease (Gumboro disease), strain BG |
th.d. |
on request |
176. | Dry live vaccine against Waterfowl salmonellosis |
th.d. |
on request |
177. | Dry inactivated vaccine against Avian spirochetosis |
on request |
178. | Dry cultural virus-vaccine against Marek's disease, Turkey herpes virus strain FS-126 |
th.d. |
on request |
179. | Dry cultural Fowl pox vaccine VGNKI from homologous virus strain |
th.d. |
on request |
Fur animals and sarcophagous biologicals |
180. | Antirabies inactivated dry cultural vaccine for dogs and cats, strain Schelkovo-51, "Rabikan" |
th.d. |
on request |
181. | Associated vaccine against Virus enteritis and Botulism of minks |
th.d. |
on request |
182. | Associated vaccine against Virus enteritis, Botulism and Pseudomonosis of minks |
th.d. |
on request |
183. | Associated vaccine against Virus enteritis, Botulism and Pseudomonosis of minks |
th.d. |
on request |
184. | Associated vaccine against Virus enteritis, Botulism and Canine distemper |
th.d. |
on request |
185. | Associated inactivated vaccine ageinst kolibacteriosis, salmonellosis and proteus infection of calves, piglets, lambs and fur animals (Vaccine OKZ) |
lit. |
on request |
186. | Vaccine against Botulism of minks |
lit. |
on request |
187. | Inactivated aluminium hydroxide tissue vaccine against Viral hemorrhagic disease of rabbits |
th.d. |
on request |
188. | Cultural vaccine against Virus enteritis of minks |
lit. |
on request |
189. | Polyvalent vaccine against Salmonellosis and Colibacteriosis of Fur animals |
lit. |
on request |
190. | Polyvalent aluminium hydroxide formol-vaccine against Pseudomonosis of minks |
lit. |
on request |
191. | Polyvalent serum against Canine distemper, Parvovirus infection and Virus hepatitis of carnivores |
th.d. |
on request |
192. | Dry vaccine against Canine distemper, strain 668 KF |
th.d. |
on request |
193. | Dry live cultural vaccine against Myxomatosis of rabbits, strain V-82 |
th.d. |
on request |
194. | Dry cultural vaccine against Canine distemper, strain EPM |
th.d. |
on request |
195. | Dry cultural trivalent vaccine against Canine distemper, Hepatitis and Parvovirus infection of carnivores |
th.d. |
on request |
196. | Formol-vaccine against Pasteurellosis of rabbits |
lit. |
on request |
197. | Emulsified vaccine against Pasteurellosis of minks |
lit. |
on request |
198. | Emulsified vaccine against Pasteurellosis of nutrias |
lit. |
on request |
Pig biologicals |
199. | Associated vaccine against Leptospirosis and Porcine parvovirus disease |
lit. |
on request |
200. | Associated vaccine against Salmonellosis, Pasteurellosis and streptococcal infection of piglets |
lit. |
on request |
201. | Associated vaccine against Salmonellosis, Pasteurellosis and Enterococcal infection of piglets |
lit. |
on request |
202. | Associated inactivated vaccine ageinst kolibacteriosis, salmonellosis and proteus infection of calves, piglets, lambs and fur animals (Vaccine OKZ) |
lit. |
on request |
203. | Associated dry cultural virus-vaccine against Aujeszky's disease and Swine Fever "Suibivac" |
th.d. |
on request |
204. | Vaccine against Paratyphoid of piglets |
lit. |
on request |
205. | Vaccine against Swine erysipelas (depoted) |
lit. |
on request |
206. | Vaccine against Swine erysipelas, strain VR-2 (dry) |
th.d. |
on request |
207. | Vaccine against Swine erysipelas, strain VR-2 (fluid) |
lit. |
on request |
208. | Vaccine from suppressive revertant against Swine salmonellosis |
th.d. |
on request |
209. | Vaccine against Swine streptococcosis (serotypes C and R) |
lit.. |
on request |
210. | Concentrated Aluminium hydroxide formol-vaccine against Swine erysipelas |
lit. |
on request |
211. | Concentrated inactivated vaccine against Parvovirus disease, Leptospirosis, Aujeszky's disease and Chlamidiosis of pigs (PLAH) |
th.d. |
on request |
212. | Dry live vaccine against Swine salmonellosis (paratyphoid), strain TS-177 |
th.d. |
on request |
213. | Dry cultural virus-vaccine LK-VNIIVVIM against classical Swine fever, strain LK-VNIIVVIM |
th.d. |
on request |
214. | Dry cultural virus-vaccine VGNKI against Swine fever, strain K |
th.d. |
on request |
215. | Dry cultutal virus-vaccine against Transmissible gastroenteritis of pigs, strain VGNKI |
th.d. |
on request |
216. | Serum against Swine erysipelas |
lit. |
on request |
217. | Emulsified vaccine against Swine pasteurellosis |
lit. |
on request |
218. | Emulsified inactivated vaccine against Porcine parvovirus disease |
th.d. |
on request |
219. | Emulsified cultural inactivated vaccine against Teshen disease |
th.d. |
on request |
Pharmaceuticals |
220. | Biosporin - probiotic |
th.d. |
on request |
221. | Bifidumbacterin - probiotic |
th.d. |
on request |
222. | Valbazen 2,5 % - anthelmintic |
lit |
on request |
223. | Hemolytic serum for the complement fixation test |
th.d. |
on request |
224. | Lactobacterin - probiotic |
th.d. |
on request |
225. | NIACID- Antiparasitic drugs against outside and endoparasities |
lit |
on request |
226. | NIACID- Granulouse (For destruction of synanthropic hexapods) |
1gran |
on request |
227. | Mediums for industrial cultivation enterobacteries (Salmonella, Esherichia, Proteus) |
kg |
on request |
228. | Dry complement for the complement fixation test |
th.d. |
on request |